Cob Hill Natural Building School
Teaching people the knowledge and skills to build their own earthen natural home!
Foundations and Drainage
The two rules of thumb for successful builds are a good hat and boots! The foundation is the boots, the boots keep your home protected from the groundwater and moisture. We start from the ground up teaching everything you will need to know to ensure you have the proper foundation and drainage for your Natural building.
Stem Walls
How do I build my stem wall? What is a stem wall? These are a few of the many questions a number of students still have after attending a typical week-long workshop because there is just not enough time to cover every aspect of the build in a week's time. We try to format our workshops so that every aspect of the build is physically being done, giving everyone a hands-on experience to better understand the process.
Roof Systems
The roof is always the scariest part for a new builder. We do everything we can to help put your mind at ease enabling you to design your roof system with confidence. There are several roof design choices, such as reciprocal, living roof, or conventional.
Harvesting and Milling Wood
Here on Cob Hill we try to use all the resources that we have available on our property. This includes the lumber needed in our builds and workshops. You will get to experience harvesting, trimming, peeling, and milling your own wood.