Cob for Vets
What is Cob for Vets?
Cob for Vets is one of our many Non-Profit Programs offered by NaturalBuildingOrg. This program is structured for our Veterans, either active duty, retired, or PTSD/Disabled.
The first stage - Providing a hands on education on how to build your own mortgage free home, utilizing natural materials on your own property. This is offered to our Veterans at little or no cost, depending on their level of disability rating.
Veterans experience many benefits from their time spent here, including;
Team building skills
Sense of Community
Increased Self worth/empowerment
Relief from depression and PTSD
Sense of renewed pride
The second stage - All Veterans that have attended a 10 day or longer workshop are automatically enrolled in our Lifetime of Learning. This offers a support system here at Cob Hill Natural Building School.
The third stage - Assistance in finding donated materials and volunteers to assist with your build.
We hold an annual workshop which is only open for sign up by Veterans, Active Military and First Responders. This is a tuition free workshop with only a small donation to cover basic facilities and food cost. See more details here.